Senin, 18 Mei 2015

The Origin And The Advantages of Moss Agate to Health

As the name implies moss agate is one of the types of agate stone which is present in mosses are allegedly still alive. This kind of stone is usually derived from a wet spot as watersheds or in soil that has a high enough moisture level.

Moss Gemstone Meanings and Properties

Regarding the efficacy of these stones some of them believe that this stone can provide peace of mind and be able to soothing feeling when used. Because, according to the myth that developed it is not free from the influence of moss plants that exist in the stone so that the stone is very suitable for use by someone who is temperament or an unstable emotional level.

Moss Agate Rings for Man

In Indonesia, the use of agate type of moss lately so popular because of the beauty of moss motif contained in this stone. While stone moss most sought after by collectors moss agate is a stone derived from West Sumatra, known as Lumut Suliki Stone.